As my first complete project with my 3D printer, I made a pair of DNA ear-rings.
The fun part was learning some code in openSCAD, below:
rotation = 18; // degrees of rotation about z - be sure to rotate before translate numBasePairs = 11; difference(){ union(){ for (i = [0:numBasePairs-1]) { rotate([0,0,rotation*i]){ translate([-5,-1.25,2.5*i+1]){ cube([10,2.5,2.5]); }} rotate([0,0,rotation*i]){ translate([5.5,0,2.5*i+2.25]){ sphere(2.5); }} rotate([0,0,rotation*i]){ translate([-5.5,0,2.5*i+2.25]){ sphere(2.5); }} } } translate([-1,-2,24]){ rotate([0,90,70]){ cylinder( h = 5, r = 1.5); }} }I like the mathematical nature of openSCAD and definitely will be working on some more artistic prints based on matrices and trigonometry. The unit at right below still has the support material attached; which was required for such an odd shape. The material was relatively easily cut away with a razor knife. I then sanded with 220 and 300 grit paper and used an acrylic hobby paint to (hopefully) make the ends indigo.
If you like, they are for sale on Etsy
Hi there!
For an A-W-E-S-O-M-E science project I need to print a detailed, color, longish DNA chain of B-DNA.
It shoud be 1.6 cm in diameter and 40 or so cm long (detailes to be confirmed).
I don’t have any idea about 3D printing, I just need the actually printed molecule (preferably) or otherwise the model and assistance on how to print it.
Can you do the job?
If so please reply by direct email to
Price to be discussed.
Thank you in advance,
Juan Carlos—